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Katy Koop

Katy Koop is a playwright, director, stage manager, and comedic actor that has been working the the Raleigh, NC theatre community for the past three years. She holds a BA in both English and Theatre from Meredith College, and works as a SEO writer with a marketing company when she’s not working on a production. Most recently her work has been seen in the direction of Space Girl by Mora V. Harris with the Women’s Theatre Festival. She has also had essays published with Femsplain, Hello Giggles, Feministing, and BitchFlicks. You can find her tweeting from the handle @katykooped on Twitter.

Impacts of Raleigh’s Women’s Theatre Festival, One Year Later

Impacts of Raleigh’s Women’s Theatre Festival, One Year Later

25 September 2017

North Carolina based theatremaker Katy Koop reflects on the impact of the Women’s Theatre Festival on Raleigh’s theatre community since its launch in 2016.