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Twitter Chat

How Can Artists Shift the Climate Change Story?—Thurs, April 23—Participate with hashtag #howlround

The Weekly Howl is a peer produced, open access discussion about theatre and performance culture that happens in real-time on Twitter. 
This week’s topic is: How Can Artists Shift the Climate Change Story? 
This conversation will be moderated by photographer Joan Sullivan @CleanNergyPhoto as part of the week-long HowlRound Journal series Theatre in the Age of Climate Change.
This hour-long Howl will take place on Thursday, April 23 on hashtag #howlround* at 11am PDT (Vancouver) / 1pm CDT (Austin) / 2pm EDT (Toronto) / 18:00 GMT / 7pm BST (London).
On Thursday, get heard in the conversation by searching for #howlround in Twitter (sort by “all”) and by putting “#howlround” somewhere in every one of your messages. Spread the word!
All chats are archived on HowlRound's Storify page at storify.com/howlround
*The hashtag #howlround in Twitter is a commons tag (i.e. non-proprietary, community-invested tag) for aggregating global knowledge, information, and conversation related to this theatre and performance commons.

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Thoughts from the curator

The climate crisis has been called a “crisis of imagination.” The phrase refers to our inability to grasp the magnitude and violence of the changes we are facing, our reluctance to let the reality of it permeate our collective consciousness, and our resistance to envision positive futures. But imagination is the currency of artists. In this ongoing series, Chantal Bilodeau, playwright and artistic director of the Arts & Climate Initiative, invites theatre artists, practitioners, and scholars to reflect on the ways in which they use their imagination to create the stories that will support us through, and lift us out of, this transformative moment.

Theatre in the Age of Climate Change


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