Double Edge Theatre presented a conversation between Double Edge Artistic Director Stacy Klein and renowned Surrealist scholar Dr. Susan L. Aberth livestreaming on the global, commons-based peer produced HowlRound TV network at on Sunday 7 March 2021 at 12 p.m. PST (San Francisco, UTC -8) / 2 p.m. CST (Chicago, UTC -6) / 3 p.m. EST (New York, UTC -5).
On 7 March 2021 we livestreamed a conversation between Double Edge Theatre's Artistic Director Stacy Klein and renowned Surrealist scholar Dr. Susan L. Aberth, Edith C. Blum Professor of Art History and Visual Culture at Bard College with visual references of Carrington's artwork and our performance of Leonora, la maga y la maestra. Aberth's books Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy and Art (Lund Humphries) and the recently published The Tarot of Leonora Carrington (Fulgur Press) are profoundly influential on Double Edge's work into the world of Leonora Carrington.
This event is a special treat to our audience in preparation for the broadcast and online world premiere streaming of Leonora, la maga y la maestra on March 14 at 8 pm for PEAK HD in partnership with ALL ARTS.
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