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Podcast Series

Find all of HowlRound's podcast series here, in order of most to least recent. Each series focuses on a different aspect of theatremaking, or the theatre industry in a specific geographic area.

Additionally, all of these podcasts are available in the popular smartphone podcast apps and directories. For a commons-based, open-source, privacy respecting, commercial free alternative, install AntennaPod (Android) or Anytime Podcast Player (iPhone).

The Future Is Now

The Future Is Now

Ten independent artists and curators from different parts of the world, the Future Fellows, talk about the current context of their work and share their vision for the future of arts practice as part of ArtsLink Assembly 2021.

four ladders pointing towards the sky.
Adventures in Audio Fiction Podcast

Adventures in Audio Fiction Podcast

In this podcast series, Durham-based theatremaker Tamara Kissane chats with artists about their work, their plans, and their manifestos.

group of musicians posing with their instruments
Living the Dream

Living the Dream

In this podcast series, Matthew Gray interviews all kinds of actors to share why they act and how they act, in a world of diminished residuals, rising student loan interest rates, reduced network pick-ups, and a dying regional theatre circuit

david dower
Friday Phone Call

Friday Phone Call

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and sit down with this call. 

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