In this installment of the series From Scarcity to Abundance: Capturing the Moment for the New Work Sector, Anthony Werner interviews Karen L.B. Evans of the Black Women Playwrights' Group on the future and the intersection of technology and live theatre.
In this installment of the series From Scarcity to Abundance: Capturing the Moment for the New Work Sector, P. Carl connects the abundance of new plays with the need to embrace diversity in the theatre.
In this installment of the series From Scarcity to Abundance: Capturing the Moment for the New Work Sector, Anthony Werner interviews Neil Barclay of the National Black Arts Festival on the role of presenters in choosing work that will best connect with their community.
Playwright Bruce Norris interviews Martha Lavey, Artistic Director of the Steppenwolf Theatre Company, on how taste, talent, and bias influences her artistic descision-making.
The Bounty of Big Institutions and the Glory of Grass Roots
30 January 2011
Playwright Lisa D'Amour considers the inherent differences between big institutions and grassroots theatres, and the possibilities that could arise were the two to collaborate.
Playwright Chinaka Hodge recounts her experiences producing her first play and how the collaboration process supported and enhanced the growth of her play.
Playwright Dan O'Brien discusses the intersection between the personal and the political, and his findings which indicate that the most compelling stories come from the lives of others.