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HowlRound TV Infrastructure Project in Central and Eastern Europe

HowlRound Theatre Commons' experiment in organizing a commons-based livestream infrastructure project in Central and Eastern Europe launched its pilot year 2019-2020 operating in Budapest, Cluj, and Bucharest. Later in the year, we added a few cities in Poland. The goals of this project are to enable regular live programming of talks and performances from that region, foster closer ties within the region and to the US, and to model a reduced ecological footprint as we continue to connect, share, and learn from each other.

The livestream producers that HowlRound has engaged and who are working with their local theatre communities to curate and produce livestream programming are:

The following organizations and companies have participated in our livestreamed events in the three cities of focus:




Browse below for the livestream events and their archives that have been produced from this project. Additionally, you'll find relevant essays on the region. 

The Latest

Mental Health, Well-Being, and International Cultural Mobility
Mental Health, Well-Being, and International Cultural Mobility
On The Move Mobility Webinar
Tuesday 26 September 2023
European Union
Climate Crisis–Themed Performance and Conversation About 999 by Chance of the Hunter
Climate Crisis–Themed Performance and Conversation About 999 by Chance of the Hunter
Wednesday 12 April 2023
Budapest, Hungary
ArtsLink Assembly 2022: Greener Grass? Cultivating Transborder Connections Between Ukrainian Cultural Communities
ArtsLink Assembly 2022: Greener Grass? Cultivating Transborder Connections Between Ukrainian Cultural Communities
A Platform for Ukrainian Artists, Curators, and Cultural Leaders to Share Perspectives and Ideas for the Future of the Cultural Life of the Country.
Wednesday 30 November to Friday 2 December 2022
Warszawa, Poland and Kyiv, Ukraine
Introducing the World Theatre Map Ambassadors

Introducing the World Theatre Map Ambassadors

14 July 2017

The World Theatre Map beta project has engaged its first cohort of twenty-eight World Theatre Map Ambassadors from twenty-four countries to direct community organizing, outreach, and feedback gathering.

Theatre as Resistance

Theatre as Resistance

12 May 2017

Robert Stanton for #FairWageOnstage considers the recent success of negotiations for salary increases for Off-Broadway actors and how theatre can support and lead the resistance to oppressive political administrations.

The Artist as a Cultural Manager

The Artist as a Cultural Manager

27 April 2017

Corina Bucea writes about the role of cultural manager in the contemporary arts scene in Romania.

How to Get Rid of Chairs

How to Get Rid of Chairs

Dilemmas of the Independent Performing Arts Sector in Romania

15 April 2017

Iulia Popovici writes about independent theatre in Romania.

Change Shouldn’t Be Wishful Thinking / A változás nem lehet csak hiú ábránd

Change Shouldn’t Be Wishful Thinking / A változás nem lehet csak hiú ábránd

8 April 2017

Finally, we would like to present the sole representatives of community theatre in Hungary: Koma Base, who took up a very important role in the life of a community in the outskirts of Budapest. / Végül a Koma Bázist szeretnénk bemutatni, a közösségi színház egyetlen képviselőit ma Magyarországon, akik nagyon fontos szerepet vállaltak magukra egy budapesti, külvárosi közöség életében.

Active Curiosity

Active Curiosity

Researching Art / Cselekvő kíváncsiság. Kutató művészet

7 April 2017

Káva Drama/Theater in Education Association is one of the most important groups on the scene in Budapest in taking responsibility for the next generation. / A Káva Műhely csapata minden alkalommal lenyűgöz, amikor projektjeink kereszteződnek. Ők képezik az egyik legfontosabb csoportot a szakmán belül, akik felelősséget vállalnak a következő generációért.

From the Inside I Truly Believe that I am Dancing in Golden Silk

From the Inside I Truly Believe that I am Dancing in Golden Silk

6 April 2017

We would like to dedicate the fourth article of the series to dance. Viktor Szeri, an up-and-coming dancer from Budapest, leads us into its secrets. / A sorozat negyedik posztját a táncnak dedikáljuk. Szeri Viktor, egy fiatal és feltörekvő budapesti táncos, bevezet annak titkaiba.

From Emerging Actor to Independent Artist / Pályakezdő színészből független alkotóvá válni

From Emerging Actor to Independent Artist / Pályakezdő színészből független alkotóvá válni

5 April 2017

The founders of dollardaddy's both come from the University of Kaposvár, a theatre school that is in a small city in the south of Hungary. In their article they present to us their path from the countryside to the very heart of the capital. / A Dollár Papa Gyermekei alapító tagjai a kaposvári színművészeti egyetemről jöttek, egy Magyarország déli részén fekvő kisvárosból. Írásukban leírják a vidékről a főváros szívébe vezető útjukat.

Actor Training at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest / Színészképzés a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetemen

Actor Training at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest / Színészképzés a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetemen

4 April 2017

Last year, Kristóf Kelemen and his creative team (Angéla Eke, Alexandra Horváth, Márk Horváth, Tamás Rétfalvi, Judit Tarr) opened a performance at Trafó House of Contemporary Arts which deals with the struggles of performing arts education through their personal experiences. We asked Kristóf to give us an insight and present the system of the University of Theater and Film Arts, Budapest. / A Trafó tavalyi évadában, Kelemen Kristóf és alkotótársai (Eke Angéla, Horváth Alexandra, Horváth Márk, Rétfalvi Tamás és Tarr Judit) bemutattak egy előadást, amely az előadóművészeti oktatás nehézségeit tárgyalja, személyes tapasztalataikon keresztül. Felkértük Kristófot, hogy mutassa be a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem működési rendszerét.

Periphery as Center

Periphery as Center

the Independents from Budapest / A periféria mint központ. Budapesti függetlenek

3 April 2017

In the first post of the series, Budapest-based curator and theatre critic Anikó Varga gives us an overview of the young independent theatre field from the capital. / A sorozat első posztjában Varga Anikó, a Budapesten élő kurátor és színházi kritikus, a fővárosi, független, fiatal szcénát mutatja be.

“How was Romania?”

“How was Romania?”

Reflections on the Temps D’Image Festival in Cluj

2 April 2017

A report on the Temps D’Image Festival in Cluj, Romania, from the perspectives of “Surfing” fellows Sydonia Lucchesi, Sam Silbiger, and Taysha Canales.

The Status of Creative Freedom in Romania

The Status of Creative Freedom in Romania

27 March 2017

Ioana Tamas discusses the status of artists in Romania, in this installment of the series leading up to the IETM Plenary Meeting in Bucharest.

Natasha’s Dream

Natasha’s Dream

a Foreign and Familiar Vision

21 March 2017

Erik Nikander discusses Yaroslava Pulinovich's Russian play Natasha's Dream, presented in New Repertory Theatre in Massachusetts.

What Do We Really Want? Creating a Union for Actors in Romania

What Do We Really Want? Creating a Union for Actors in Romania

20 March 2017

In this installment of a new series leading up to the IETM Plenary Meeting in Bucharest, Theodor-Cristian Popescu writes about being an actor in Romania.

Encountering Eastern Europe

Encountering Eastern Europe

4 March 2017

Jamie Gahlon, Senior Creative Producer of HowlRound, reports on a trip she took in fall 2016 to explore, deepen, and build partnerships with theatremakers and organizations in Eastern Europe.

One Man, Two Guvnors

One Man, Two Guvnors

When farce meets satire

28 February 2017

Anđela Vidović critiques the relevance of a Croatian adaptation of Richard Bean's One Man, Two Guvnors.

Absurdist Theatre and Resistance

Absurdist Theatre and Resistance

27 January 2017

Edward Einhorn discusses the relevance of absurdist theatre.

Elyse Dodgson on Sarah Kane

Elyse Dodgson on Sarah Kane

“She Was a Pure Writer”

11 January 2017

Interview with Elyse Dodgson, the International Director at the Royal Court Theatre, at the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre in Moscow about her work and relationship with playwright Sarah Kane.

An Introduction to Slovak Independent Theatre

An Introduction to Slovak Independent Theatre

29 November 2016

Alžbeta Rusnáková gives a look into Slovakia’s independent theatre scene.

Interview with Jānis Balodis

Interview with Jānis Balodis

23 October 2016

US playwright Jen Silverman talks with Latvian playwright and dramaturg Jānis Balodis about the similarities and differences in their work and how their work responds to the political climate in their countries and the world.

Roads into Portrayals of Mental Health Onstage

Roads into Portrayals of Mental Health Onstage

7 October 2016

Frequent overseas contributor verity healey reports on the Belarus Free Theatre workshop exploring the intersection of how a true story about mental illness is portrayed on stage.

Western Europe Meets Eastern Europe

Western Europe Meets Eastern Europe

Yasmina Reza’s Bella Figura in Zagreb, Croatia

19 July 2016

Anđela Vidović on the reception of Bella Figura by French Playwright Yasmina Reza in Zagreb, Croatia.

To Moscow?

To Moscow?

4 February 2016

verity healey on what four new Russian plays performed at London’s Frontline Club say about the present and future of theatre in Russia.

Power vs. Truth in Belarus Free Theatre’s Being Harold Pinter

Power vs. Truth in Belarus Free Theatre’s Being Harold Pinter

21 January 2016

verity healey reviews Belarus Free Theatre’s Being Harold Pinter at the Young Vic in London, England.

Pop Up Performance in a Dictatorship? No Problem!

Pop Up Performance in a Dictatorship? No Problem!

13 January 2016

verity healey offers an overview of pop up performances by Belarus Free Theatre’s studio Fortinbras, highlighting the treatment of disabled citizens in Belarus.