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Black Theatre

The rich tradition and current state of Black Theatre is explored in this content, including discussions analyzing contemporary work and pieces honoring trailblazers. Consider starting with the Daughters of Lorraine podcast, the Journal series on the state of Black theatre, or the Journal series on Black women in the performing arts.

The Latest

Quantum Leap with Renee Harrison
Quantum Leap with Renee Harrison
by Yura Sapi, Renee Harrison
30 May 2024
Redefining Success with Carla Stillwell
Redefining Success with Carla Stillwell
by Yura Sapi, Carla Stillwell
23 May 2024
The New Black Fest
The New Black Fest
A festival curated by Keith Josef Adkins on Unapologetic Humanity and Unapologetic Accountability at the Segal Center
Monday 22 April 2024
New York
The Fierce Angels Feast at Double Nickels Theatre Company

The Fierce Angels Feast at Double Nickels Theatre Company

Friday 20 November 2015
Washington, DC, United States

Double Nickels Theatre Company in Washington, DC hosted a Fierce Angels Feast livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Friday 20 November at 3:30 p.m. PST (Los Angeles) / 5:30 p.m. CST (Chicago) / 6:30 p.m. EST (New York) / 23:30 GMT (London). In Twitter, use #howlround and follow @HowlRoundTV.

The Art of Justice: Articulating an Ethos and Aesthetic of the Movement

The Art of Justice: Articulating an Ethos and Aesthetic of the Movement

Saturday 7 November 2015.
New York, NY, United States

The Art of Justice: Articulating an Ethos and Aesthetic of the Movement presented its first convening in a three-part series of artist roundtables, livestreamed on the global, commons based peer-produced HowlRoundTV network at howlround.tv on Saturday 7 November. To join the conversation via Twitter use hashtag #TheArtofJustice and follow @cccadi and @nyuartspolitics.

The Every 28 Hours Plays

The Every 28 Hours Plays

New One-Minute Plays Inspired by the Black Lives Matter Movement

Saturday 24 October 2015
Ashland, OR, United States

The One-Minute Play Festival and Oregon Shakespeare Festival presented The Every 28 Hours Plays—new one-minute plays inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement—livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Saturday 24 October at 6 p.m. PDT (Los Angeles) / 8 p.m. CDT (St. Louis) / 9 p.m. EDT (New York) from the Kranzberg Arts Center in St. Louis, Missouri. In Twitter, use #Every28Hours and #1MPF.

Notes from a Latina at the Black Theatre Conference in Winston Salem, North Carolina

Notes from a Latina at the Black Theatre Conference in Winston Salem, North Carolina

3 October 2015

PhD candidate Daphnie Sicre writes about her experience presenting at the Black Theatre Conference.

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open

The Potentials (and pitfalls) of Partnership

14 July 2015

Scholars Sonja Arsham Kuftinec and Stephanie Lein Walseth interview Penumbra Theatre Artistic Director Lou Bellamy.

Our Life: The Black Youth Stories, an original production presented at the University of California Irvine

Our Life: The Black Youth Stories, an original production presented at the University of California Irvine

Saturday 6 June 2015
Irvine, CA, United States


Our Life: The Black Youth Stories, an original production presented at the University of California, Irvine, livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Saturday 6 June at 8 p.m. PDT (Los Angeles) / 9 p.m. MDT (Albuquerque) / 10 p.m. CDT (Austin) / 11 p.m. EDT (New York).  

The Long Shadow of Marble Busts

The Long Shadow of Marble Busts

12 February 2015

Brett Bailey’s Exhibit B poses actors in tableau vivants that nod to 19th century human zoos, and Southwest African concentration camps. Patrick Gaughan charts the controversy around the show and his own experience of it. 

The Gathering 2015: Advocating for Black Female Choreographers in the Contemporary Dance World

The Gathering 2015: Advocating for Black Female Choreographers in the Contemporary Dance World

Sunday 11 January 2015
New York, NY, United States

Camille A. Brown presented The Gathering 2015 livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer-produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Sunday 11 January at 4 p.m. PST (San Francisco) / 6 p.m. CST (Chicago) / 7 p.m. EST (New York).

Art in a Complex World

Art in a Complex World

In Sweet Remembrance at Sweet Briar College

8 January 2015

Geoffrey Kershner, AD of the resident theatre company at Sweet Briar College, considers the complicated intersection of art and our racial history and the responsibility of the artist.

The cast of Take it From Me—Violence Just Don’t Understand.
It Takes a (Tofu Chitlin’) Circuit

It Takes a (Tofu Chitlin’) Circuit

Defining Community in Youth Theater

8 November 2014

Sydney Chatman is the creator and director of The Tofu Chitlin’ Circuit, a community and youth ensemble training collective based in Chicago’s South Side. Before creating TCC, Chatman worked on productions from Chicago to Broadway, while also teaching at the University of Chicago Charter School. When students she once taught as kindergarteners came to her as teens and said, “Can you train and teach me?” she said, “Yes.”

Photo from The Gospel of Lovingkindness.
Interview with Marcus Gardley

Interview with Marcus Gardley

24 August 2014

Rebecca Stevens interviews playwright-poet Marcus Gardley on his impacts on the national performing arts community. 

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Is Black Theatre Sustainable? at the National Black Theatre Public Summit

Is Black Theatre Sustainable? at the National Black Theatre Public Summit

Thursday 7 August 2014
New York, NY, United States

The National Black Theatre presented their Public Summit, Is Black Theatre Sustainable?: From Sustainability to Collectivity, livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer-produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Thursday 7 August at 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. EDT.

Catalyst is Coming!

Catalyst is Coming!

A National Convening of Black Theaters

3 August 2014

Carmen Morgan shares insight into the relevancy of Catalyst, a national convening of black theatre.

Friday Phone Call # 68

Friday Phone Call # 68

Catalyst gathering at the National Black Theatre

1 August 2014

Listen to weekly podcasts hosted by David Dower as he interviews theater artists from around the country to highlight #newplay bright spots. This week, David talks with three people involved in the Catalyst gathering at the National Black Theatre: Jonathan McCrory, Sade Lithcott, and Deadria Harrington.

Friday Phone Call # 62

Friday Phone Call # 62

janera solomon of Kelly Strayhorn Theater, Pittsburgh

30 May 2014

Listen to weekly podcasts hosted by David Dower as he interviews theater artists from around the country to highlight #newplay bright spots. This week: janera solomon, the Executive Director of the Kelly Strayhorn Theater in Pittsburgh.

2014 NoPassport Theatre Conference at LSU in Baton Rouge

2014 NoPassport Theatre Conference at LSU in Baton Rouge

Saturday 29 March 2014
Baton Rouge, LA, United States

NoPassport and Louisiana State University Department of Theatre presented the 8th annual NoPassport Theatre Conference—Dreaming the Americas: The Diasporic Imagination livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer-produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Saturday 29 March 2014. In Twitter, use #3030NP to participate in online conversation.

Portrait of Amiri Baraka.
A "Ballot or Bullet" Art

A "Ballot or Bullet" Art

The Legacy of Amiri Baraka

24 February 2014

In his autobiography, Amiri Baraka, born Everett LeRoi Jones in 1934, describes a stunned moment of self-discovery after reading a poem in the New Yorker. Baraka, then a 22-year-old aspiring poet, is confronted with a vast gulf between his reality and the sentiments and aesthetics of the poem, not to mention that of the New Yorker itself.

Jones-Ly with Baraka.
Dinner with Amiri Baraka

Dinner with Amiri Baraka

12 February 2014

Before I was a mother, I was a mini-revolutionary. I say was, because I currently feel as if my politics are lost in a world of Elmo and potty-training... That is another story for another post, but after the loss of such a great writer in early January, I have been trying to form the most appropriate words to honor a man whose work encouraged my own in the theater and a man who later encouraged me personally, Amiri Baraka.

Still from The Dutchman.
In Memory of Amiri Baraka

In Memory of Amiri Baraka

10 February 2014

Amiri Baraka’s work taught me that as an artist you could be brash, political, irreverent, and even obnoxious if you liked. Baraka’s words could take the audience by the throat, pour gasoline down their gullet, and laugh while striking a match. "Dutchman" is raw, violent, earth shattering, controversial, and politically arresting.

Entrance to the National Black Theatre.
The Real Danger

The Real Danger

A Movement for Black Liberation Theatre

27 January 2014

The real danger in building a rigorous, black liberation theater movement is rooted in the reality that the powers that be won’t be able to contain it on stage or anywhere else. Why? Because the "rehearsal of the revolution" will cease and the revolution in the streets, hearts, minds and sensibilities of the people will begin. It will be a new day.

The New Play Map.
Conversation with Playwright Jackie Sibblies Drury

Conversation with Playwright Jackie Sibblies Drury

21 January 2014

The following is a conversation with playwright Jackie Sibblies Drury for the Boston production of "We Are Proud to Present a Presentation about the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, from the German Sudwestafrika, Between the Years 1884-1915" which is a current co-production between Company One and ArtsEmerson.

Poster for the American Century Cycle.
August Wilson Takes New York

August Wilson Takes New York

19 November 2013

Patrick Maley examines the 2013 readings of August Wilson's American Century Cycle, presented by The Greene Space at WNYC and WQXR in New York.

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Free Southern Theater's 50th Anniversary

Free Southern Theater's 50th Anniversary

Friday 18 October and Sunday 20 October 2013
New Orleans, LA, United States

Junebug Productions in New Orleans presents Talkin' Revolution, a four-day gathering to celebrate and honor the 50-year legacy of Free Southern Theater livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer-produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Friday 18 October and Sunday 20 October 2013. In Twitter, use hashtag #howlround and direct comments @JunebugNoLa. Additionally, follow @HowlRoundTV for updates about livestreaming events.

Poster for Free Southern Theatre.
Talkin Revolution

Talkin Revolution

Free Southern Theater Then and Now

16 October 2013

Michael Moore talks about finding the spirit of Free Southern Theatre in Junebug Productions, and his awaking of the urgency found in the community for socially activated theater.  

Logo for Camden Repertory Theatre.
Projects, Plays, and Bobby Flay in New Jersey

Projects, Plays, and Bobby Flay in New Jersey

8 October 2013

Desi P. Shelton looks at how she ending back at home in Camden, NJ challenged her to start her own theatre company to illuminate the experiences around her.