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Emily Mendelsohn

Emily Mendelsohn is a Brooklyn-based director.  As a member of Waypoints, an ensemble of US/East African artists, Emily directed Erik Ehn’s Maria Kizito and Deborah Asiimwe’s Cooking Oil through residencies in Kigali, Kampala, New York, New Orleans, and Los Angeles. Emily co-curates Border Labs, a process and performance exchange between artists in Los Angeles and Tijuana. She is a recipient of the TCG Global Connections In the Lab program and a Fulbright Fellowship in Uganda. Affiliate artist New Georges, member Theater Without Borders. MFA CalArts.

A Hope I Can Live With

A Hope I Can Live With

20 September 2016

Director Emily Mendelsohn shares her experience at the 2016 Theatre Without Borders Conference, and muses on an “ecological way of seeing” for her work.

Still from Cooking Oil.
Citizenship as Listening

Citizenship as Listening

Cooking Oil in Kampala, Kigali, and Los Angeles

14 July 2013

Emily Mendelsohn shares insight into her experience directing Cooking Oil written by Deborah Asiimwe in Uganda.

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