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Jackson Cooper

Jackson Cooper is the Major Gifts Manager for Pacific Northwest Ballet and Adjunct Faculty at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He's lectured on musical theatre for Duke University, NC State University, and University of Washington. He is currently an MFA in Arts Leadership candidate at Seattle University.

Jackson Cooper has worked in the non-profit arts sector since he was 14. He is a fundraising professional having worked for PlayMakers Repertory Company, North Carolina Theatre, and Pacific Northwest Ballet. He has acted in and directed regional theatre in North Carolina, Pittsburgh, and New York. He lectures frequently on musical theatre history for Duke University and University of Washington. He served as the Theatre and Music Critic for the Greensboro News and Record and the Winston Salem Journal from 2014-2016. He is currently under contract for a book on Giving and Philanthropy through Routledge Press. He is an MFA in Arts Leadership candidate at Seattle University.

When Nice Isn’t Enough: How Arts Fundraising Can Evolve

When Nice Isn’t Enough: How Arts Fundraising Can Evolve

2 December 2021

Jackson Cooper calls on fundraising professionals to reinterrogate their institutions’ relationships with wealth and value to forge more equitable development practices.