Jennifer S. Ponce de León (née Flores Sternad) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research is situated at the intersection of literary studies, studies of contemporary visual arts and aesthetics, and the study of left social movements. Her current book project, Art & Politics Across the Americas: Artists, the State and Popular Struggles in the New Millennium, is an interdisciplinary study of politically engaged literature, art, and performance by artists in Argentina and Chicano/a and Mexican artists in the US. Her work has been published in Dancing with the Zapatistas, Live Art in LA, 1970-1983, Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization, MEX/LA: Mexican Modernisms in Los Angeles, and in the journals e-misférica, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Contemporary Theatre Review, The Journal of American Drama and Theater, and Interreview.
Jennifer Ponce de León