Karen Anzoategui is a genderqueer playwright/actor/performer/artivist with the gender pronoun of they/them. They are currently shooting a documentary along with award winning director Dante Alencastre based on their second solo show Catholic School Daze (CSD) that follows the journey of queer women and gender non conforming women who are self inflictors. Catholic School Daze can also be a solo performance and/or with an interactive Theatre of the Oppressed workshop. Karen is currently developing CSD throug workshop performances. Their first solo. Ser! world premiered at Los Angeles Theatre Center co-produced by Latino Theatre Company, was nominated for 5 LA Weekly awards and won 2 LA Weekly awards for music, it was a finalist in the 2012 Downtown Urban Theatre Festival dramaturgy by reg e gaines in New York. Ser! will be presented at MACLA in San Jose January 23rd and 24th, 2015. An excerpt of Ser! as Ser: L.A. vs.B.A. is published in the Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambios Sociales (MALCS) academic 2013 Fall journal. Karen is also making a futbol documentary with producer Miguel Mouchess for 2016. Karen is currently active in the displacement movement in northeast los angeles and works for Eviction Defense Network. Karen's interview with their work within the HIV community will be published in A and U national HIV magazine in February 2015. They are represented by Circuit Network.