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Sergei Burbank

Sergei Burbank is a playwright, performer, and producer in New York City. He is the author of five plays (available via Indie Theater Now), and publishes semi-regular musings on new theater at NY Theater Now. Past work has appeared in College Literature, DramaBiz, fwriction, and Parabasis. Co-founder of the (now defunct) Conflict of Interest theater company, he is currently literary manager for Oracle Theater Inc. and pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing with The Foundry at St. Joseph’s College. He holds on to an irrational hope that the Dodgers will someday return to Brooklyn. Website: boisterous-eremite.com

The Delayed Mirror

The Delayed Mirror

The Challenges of Matching Plots with Headlines

21 June 2015

Indie theatre producer Sergei Burbank outlines his experience producing Stephen Belber’s McReele, and discusses the danger in assuming that a play with cultural relevance will guarantee a sold-out run.

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