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Boy Writes Girl

This blog series analyzes the sanctified “Great Female Roles” written by men, and the patterns in which male playwrights craft female characters from myth, history, current events, or whole cloth.

He That Plays The King

He That Plays The King

29 April 2016

In this installment, Matthew Minnicino discusses gender politics in Shakespeare’s work, and productions of King Lear with women starring in the title role.

What’s Hecuba To Him?

What’s Hecuba To Him?

21 December 2015

In this second installment, Matthew Minnicino discusses legendary women characters in ancient Greek theatre. 

Boy Writes Girl

Boy Writes Girl

An Introduction

15 October 2015

Playwright Matthew Minnicino kick starts his series by addressing the tradition and implications of male playwrights writing female characters. 

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Series are collections of content curated around a specific theme. HowlRound works with curators to develop topical pieces meant to spotlight current events and happenings within the commons.