2018 LTC Carnaval of New Latinx Work
Chicago, Illinois 19-21 July 2018
The Latinx Theatre Commons (LTC)’s 2018 Carnaval of New Latinx Work was produced in association with Teatro Vista and the Alliance of Latinx Theatre Artists of Chicago (ALTA), and hosted by The Theatre School at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois and brought together over 200 Latinx and allied theatremakers from across the country and the globe. Carnaval 2018 built upon the success of the 2015 LTC Carnaval of New Latinx Work by featuring readings of six new plays by Latinx writers. Each featured play—selected from a nationwide call—received development with a Latinx creative team including a director, dramaturg, actors, and four designers. Carnaval participants also had the chance to visit local Chicago theatres for workshops, tours, and sessions with the aim of introducing national participants to the rich variety of Latinx companies and artists working in the city.
“Together, we witnessed the power of Latinx theatre in its various forms.”—Regan Postma-Montaño
Check out the full list of featured artists in our press release from 11 June 2018, learn more about the thirty artists by reading the Featured Artist Bios, read about our Featured Designers and their innovative work at Carnaval.
Read reflections on the convening
The 2018 LTC Carnaval Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee for the 2018 LTC Carnaval was made up of an amazing array of theatremakers representing the country and the Chicago area. We were and are honored by their support for our convening:
Will Davis, Artistic Director, American Theater Company
Sandra Delgado, Playwright/Performer
Joseph Haj, Artistic Director, Guthrie Theater
Naomi Iizuka, Playwright
Maria López de León, President & CEO, NALAC
Richard Montoya, Co-Founder and Ensemble Member, Culture Clash
Mildred Ruiz, Co-Founder and Ensemble Member, Universes
Anna D. Shapiro, Artistic Director, Steppenwolf Theatre
Liesl Tommy, Director
Luis Valdez, Founder, El Teatro Campesino
Chay Yew, Artistic Director, Victory Gardens Theater
Learn more about the LTC