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Elsa Hiltner

Elsa Hiltner (she/her) is a costume designer and a writer and organizer on labor and pay equity issues in theatrical design.

Elsa Hiltner (she/her) is a pay-equity organizer and has extensively researched, written, and activated on pay equity within the arts. She is a co-founder of On Our Team and the creator of the Pay Equity Standards, a system for establishing and publicly recognizing pay equity within an organization. Her essays and data-driven resources on labor and pay equity have inspired systemic change in the theatre industry. Elsa has a background as a theatrical costume designer, is a pay-equity consultant, and is a company member of Collaboraction. In 2021, she was honored with the Michael Merritt Arts Advocate Award. elsahiltner.com.

***Photo by Joel Maisonet

A black and white image of a flower and a raised fist drawn on a portion of a wooden door with a hinge.
The Price of Pay Activism

The Price of Pay Activism

2 September 2021

Genevieve Beller and Elsa Hiltner discuss exploitation and abuse in the theatre field, pay equity, how there should always be space for people to learn and move forward in a better way, and more.

a person handing over a ticket
Pay Equity

Pay Equity

What’s In It For Theatre Companies?

6 January 2021

Elsa Hiltner examines the value of pay equity in the theatre through a fresh lens: how it benefits companies.

a group watching a presentation
Inequity by Design

Inequity by Design

13 July 2020

Elsa Hiltner discusses equity issues for designers in the theatre industry and offers tips for how artists can work together to change the system.

A Call for Equal Support in Theatrical Design

A Call for Equal Support in Theatrical Design

23 November 2016

Chicago-based costume designer, textile designer, and wardrobe stylist Elsa Hiltner considers the division of labor and allocation of technical support within theatrical design.

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