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Gábor Takács

Gábor Takács is the professional leader and actor-drama teacher of Káva Drama/Theater in Education Association since 1996, its establishment. In the past 20 years, he has been working in the creation, familiarization and recognition of a democratic theater genre that has partnership, diversity of aspects, participation, criticism and asking questions as key concepts. Above artistic work, he is also a very experienced manager. He is active as a professior at several universities (such as: University of Theater and Film Arts, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Arts from Târgu-Mureș), and international workshops as well.

Active Curiosity

Active Curiosity

Researching Art / Cselekvő kíváncsiság. Kutató művészet

7 April 2017

Káva Drama/Theater in Education Association is one of the most important groups on the scene in Budapest in taking responsibility for the next generation. / A Káva Műhely csapata minden alkalommal lenyűgöz, amikor projektjeink kereszteződnek. Ők képezik az egyik legfontosabb csoportot a szakmán belül, akik felelősséget vállalnak a következő generációért.