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Lindsay Timmington

Lindsay Timmington is an actress, writer and director in New York City.  She received an MFA in acting from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and trained at East 15 Acting School in London. Acting credits include Nurse in Equus, Agnes in Bug, Stevie in The Goat: Or Who is Sylvia, Gertrude in Hamlet and Cynthia in The Maiden’s Prayer. Directing credits include Annie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Autobahn. She writes regularly at http://shattertheshouldbe.com.

Lessons in Acting

Lessons in Acting

How to Be Small

7 March 2014

People kept telling me, "There are no small parts, only small actors" and "small roles can steal the show." And the more I heard it the more I convinced myself I was doing something wrong.