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Sarah Johnson

Dramaturg, scholar, educator

Sarah Johnson is the Visiting Assistant Professor of Dramaturgy at Texas Tech University. She holds a PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies from The University of Colorado Boulder. Her research focuses on intercultural theatre and the influence of Japanese traditional performing arts on American playwriting. Valuing artistic practice as a form of research and scholarly pursuit, she also continues honing her craft as a new play and production dramaturg. She recently completed her MFA in Dramaturgy at the University of Iowa with her thesis focusing on the influence of Japanese noh and kabuki theatre on Tennessee Williams' late plays. Her writing has been featured in Asian Theatre Journal and Theatre Topics.

Charles Mee sitting at a table with three women behind him.
Sometimes Mount Vesuvius Erupts

Sometimes Mount Vesuvius Erupts

An Interview with Chuck Mee

4 May 2012

Sarah Johnson interviews playwright Chuck Mee.