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Tamás Jászay

Tamás Jászay is a Hungarian theatre critic, editor, university lecturer, and curator. Since 2003 he's been working as a freelance theatre critic: in the last twelve years he published more than 600 articles (mostly reviews) in more than twenty magazines all around the world. Since 2008 he is a co-editor of the critical portal www.revizoronline.com. Since 2009 he is the co-president of the Hungarian Theatre Critics' Association. In 2013 he defended his PhD thesis on the history of Krétakör Theatre. In the last years he started to work as a curator as well: Hungarian Showcase (Budapest, 2013), Szene Ungarn (Vienna, 2013), THEALTER Festival (Szeged, 2014),and  dunaPart3 (Budapest, 2015). Between 2009 and 2013 he was teaching theatre theory to future actors at Kaposvár University. Since February 2015 he's been teaching at Szeged University. 

Independent Theatre in Hungary

Independent Theatre in Hungary

Independence at a Cost

18 June 2015

Tamás Jászay explores independent theatre in Hungary and provides historical context about the state of the art form.