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Latina/o Theatre Regional Alliances

A series of profiles of Latinx regional alliances from around the United States.

Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

San Antonio Latino/a Theatre Alliance

5 August 2015

The final installment of the Café Onda series on Latina/o Theatre Regional Alliances focuses on San Antonio Latino/a Theatre Alliance.

Poster for Colectivo Teatral.
Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

Colectivo Teatral Nuevo México

25 July 2015

The third installment of the Café Onda series on Regional Alliances focuses on Colectivo Teatral Nuevo México.

Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

Teatro In Austin

20 July 2015

The second installment of the Café Onda series on Regional Alliances focuses on Teatro In Austin.

Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

La Co-Op

18 July 2015

The first installment of the Café Onda series on Latina/o Theatre Regional Alliances focuses on La Cooperativa of NYC Latino/a Theatre Artists.

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