fbpx The Weekly Howl Tuesday, July 17 | HowlRound Theatre Commons

The Weekly Howl Tuesday, July 17

The Triangle Region

Read the full transcript here



The Weekly Howl is an open discussion about theatre culture and the new works field that happens every Tuesday from 3:00pm EDT - 4:00pm EDT on Twitter using the hashtag “#newplay.”

This week's topic of discussion will focus on The Triangle region of North Carolina, which we're exploring all week on HowlRound. We'll be joined by Byron Woods and other contributors from this week. Stay tuned for more updates!

During the Howl, get heard in the conversation by searching for “#newplay” in Twitter and by putting “#newplay” somewhere in your tweets.

Do you like music? Curate our playlist starting one hour prior to the Howl. Show off your DJ-ing chops with us in the HowlRound Turntable room.

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