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Twitter Chat Topic

How do you translate theater into other languages and into other cultures?

Read the transcript here—

The Weekly Howl is a peer produced, open access discussion about theater culture and contemporary performance that happens in real-time on Twitter using the hashtag #newplay.*

This week's conversation topic is "How do you translate theater into other languages and into other cultures" and will be moderated by Playwrights Foundation @pwfoundation—who like all of our moderators, authors, and content producers—self-selected to peer-produce on this commons-based platform!

This hour-long Howl will take place on Thursday, April 24 on hashtag #newplay at 11am PDT (San Francisco) / 1pm CDT (Austin) / 2pm EDT (Toronto) / 18:00 GMT / 7pm BST (London).

On Thursday, get heard in the conversation by searching for #newplay in Twitter (sort by “all”) and by putting “#newplay” somewhere in your messages. Spread the word!
*The hashtag #newplay in Twitter is a commons tag (i.e. non-proprietary, community-invested tag) for aggregating global knowledge, information, and conversation related to new works, new performance, and new strategies in the theater.


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Weekly Howl


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Seems to me that translation, both of texts from one language to another, and plays from one cultural context to another, requires too much nuance, subtlety, and contemplation for twitter to be the right medium for such a discussion.