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Chiori Miyagawa

Chiori Miyagawa is a NYC-based playwright. This Lingering Life had a premiere production in June at Z Space in San Francisco, directed by Jubilith Moore. This play will have a second life in NYC at HERE in September, produced by Cake Productions and directed by Cat Miller. “Love Suicides in Tsunami Country”—her non-theater-related prose debut essay written under the name Chiori Miya— is published in the Fall 2013 issue of Ecotone Journal.  Parts of both the play and the creative essay were written at the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University.  She is a faculty member of Theater & Performance program at Bard College.

Photo from This Lingering Life.
Ghostly Profound

Ghostly Profound

A Thing of Unknowable Depth

25 July 2014

I have been terrified to even put down the word 幽玄. I had to ask Google to write these characters for me. According to Google Translate, yugen means “subtle and profound.” Looking at the unfamiliar characters, I would have guessed “ghostly.” For the first time in decades, I looked for the Japanese dictionary that I brought with me when I left Japan alone at age sixteen.

A Can of Iced Tea & a Bag of Skittles, or a White Disco Suit Against Handguns

A Can of Iced Tea & a Bag of Skittles, or a White Disco Suit Against Handguns

27 August 2013

Chiori Miyagawa reflects on hosting Caridad Svich's Gun Control Theatre Action in the wake of the Travyon Martin tragedy and trial.

Art that reads "We Were Disconnected."


Hey it’s me. Haven’t heard from you and it’s been two days…

5 August 2013

Chiori Miyagawa continues her series on her play I Came To Look for You on Tuesday. This edition: the concept of reunion and the help of friends.

Reunion Series
Art that reads Why Did You Come Here.

Reunion Series

A series on the process of producing I Came to Look for You on Tuesday by Chiori Miyagawa.