Rosa is a dramaturge, educator, scholar, and sports fan.
Rosa is a theater maker and theater scholar who holds a PhD from Columbia University. Her dissertation, “Race and Performative Historiography in the American Theatre, 1991-2014” traced the recent trend of American theatre which brings together the performance of American history, American Theatrical history, and Race. Her article, “Anyway, the Whole Point of This Was to Make You Feel Something: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and the Reconstruction of Melodrama,” appeared in The Journal of American Drama and Theatre. She has also written for Theatre Journal, and Howlround, and has lectured at Vassar College, Harvard University, and Columbia University. She served as the Inclusion Officer for the American Society of Theatre Research’s Graduate Student Caucus, where she has presented several times. She is the founding dramaturg and associate director of Strange Harbor, an experimental theatre company in Brooklyn. She teaches Reading and Writing at CUNY Start, a developmental reading and writing program based at Hostos Community College. At Columbia, she taught Literature Humanities, a year-long course surveying Western Literature, where she led the effort to diversify the curriculum. She has also taught University Writing, a freshman composition class, as well as classes on playwriting and dramaturgy.