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Friday Phone Call # 33

Laurie Baskin of TCG

Portrait of Laurie Baskin.
Laurie Baskin

As folks are gathering in Boston this weekend for the annual TCG Conference, I thought it would be a good idea to check in with the indefatigable Laurie Baskin, TCG's Director of Government & Education Programs. For over fifteen years Laurie has been leading the charge for TCG and its members on the legislative agenda. Laurie takes the time to highlight some of the highest priority hot button issues for theater institutions and artists this election year, including the NEA budget battle, the SOPA/PIPA battle, and the challenge around White Space broadcast frequencies. Oh, and the gathering storm on Capitol Hill around the charitable tax deduction. What I found surprising, and not in a good way, was the degree of engagement with these issues among Laurie's constituents. I make a pledge to do better, myself. Perhaps you will listen and make the same pledge?


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Listen to weekly podcasts hosted by David Dower as he interviews theater artists from around the country to highlight #newplay bright spots. You can subscribe to the series via Apple iTunes or RSS Feed.

Friday Phone Call


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