Tebere Arts Foundation presented the conversation Arts Education and the Focus on Africa for the Future with The Stories Women Carry: Creative Practice of African Women from the Continent livestreaming on the global, commons-based, peer-produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Monday 24 May 2021 at 10 a.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC -7) / 1 p.m. EDT (New York, UTC -4) / 8 p.m. EAT (Nairobi, UTC +3).
What does the world of arts education look like in the United States when it comes to emphasizing African stories? How are stories of Africans told and perceived in a Western context? What is our responsibility in educating the next generation of young theatre-makers?
Guest: Kathy Perkins
Kathy A. Perkins is Professor Emerita (1989-2011) in lighting design and Africa and African Diaspora theatre. She joined the department to reinstate the MFA lighting design program, which she headed for twenty years. She also developed new courses in African and African Diaspora theatre in addition to non-Western theatre courses.
“The Stories Women Carry: Creative Practice of African Women from the Continent”
The Stories Women Carry is a Web Series that highlights the work of African women in different fields of theatre on the continent. The 6-episode season features leading writers, poets, directors, producers and interdisciplinary theatre-makers who will share their artistic practices and methodologies. There is an increase in conversations about non-Western methods of theatre-making across the continent and beyond. In the spirit of uncovering an African dramaturgy and its application in various fields of theatre from the creation of new work to arts management, these leading practitioners from Uganda and Kenya will share their insights in each episode.
Each episode will invite one female guest, or a collective to speak on a specific topic, related to their personal practice. American Sign Language and Kenyan Sign Language interpretation will be available for this series.
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