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National Playwright Residency Program Cohort 3 Convening

Boston, Massachusetts 11-13 May 2022

In May 2022, Cohort Three of the National Playwright Residency Program (NPRP) convened in person for the first time since before the COVID-19 pandemic. Playwrights, artistic leaders, and HowlRound and Mellon Foundation staff spent three days sharing work, reflecting on the residencies, and celebrating those that were coming to an end. See the attendee bios and the convening agenda.

Convening Objectives:

  • Community and relationship building: First in-person gathering of this cohort 3, and first in-person gathering since COVID.
  • Reflection and Assessment: To reflect, together, on the progress of the residencies to date, share any challenges, and offer program feedback based on your experience.
  • Learning: to learn from one another, especially from bright spots; to encourage cross-pollination of ideas and the sharing of artistic work.
  • Ideating: To consider how the program might shift for future rounds.

"This residency—this gift from the heavens—has built for me a community where I feel like I can be as ambitious as I want to be. This grant has made me feel like the next 30 years of my writing can be different than the first 30 years." - Betty Shamieh

A collage of images from the NPRP convening: three shots of individuals speaking into mics, and one group photo where everyone is posing outside

Photos by Christian Ruiz.

Learn more about the National Playwright Residency Program

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