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Theatre History Podcast #44

Exploring the Performing Arts Collections at the Harry Ransom Center with Dr. Eric Colleary



The Harry Ransom Center, a world-renowned research library and museum at the University of Texas at Austin, holds many treasures. Its performing arts collections are particularly fascinating, as Dr. Eric Colleary, the Cline Curator of Theater and Performing Arts at the center, tells us in this episode. Eric shares some of his favorite items in the collections and tells listeners how they can further explore the Harry Ransom Center.


Page from John Wilkes Booth's promptbook for Richard III. Via the Harry Ransom Center.

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Thoughts from the curator

This podcast aims to introduce listeners to the artists, scholars, and archivists who are working to bring the history of performance to life. We hope that, by listening to this show, you’ll learn about exciting new performances, fascinating books, and valuable repositories of knowledge, all of which will help you better understand theatre’s history.

Theatre History Podcast


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