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The Weekly Howl on Tues, August 14

How Does Place Impact Art & How Does Art Impact Place?



The Weekly Howl is an open discussion about theatre culture and the new works field which happens on Twitter using the hashtag “#newplay.”

This week's discussion will use the Network of Ensemble Theaters' theme for their upcoming MicroFests as a starting point: the relationship between art and place. "Ensembles are place-based entities. Unlike the pick-up company that comes together for a one-time collaboration on a production, ensemble artists are permanent members of the communities they are serving. It got us thinking: how does place impact art and art impact place?"— from the recent post: The Network of Ensemble Theaters’ MicroFest USA: Part 1, Detroit by Mark Valdez.

The discussion will start on Tuesday, August 14 at 12pm–1pm PDT (San Francisco) /1pm–2pm MDT / 2pm–3pm CDT (Chicago) / 3pm–4pm EDT (New York) / 19:00–20:00 (GMT) / 8pm–9pm (London – BST) / 9pm–10pm (Berlin – CEST). During the Howl, get heard in the conversation by searching for “#newplay” in Twitter and by putting “#newplay” somewhere in your tweets. Do you like music? Curate our playlist starting one hour prior to the Howl. Show off your DJ-ing chops with us in the HowlRound Turntable room.

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Great topic! Here is a question:

q: Taking Detroit into account, a city that has such rich history in music and arts, with its crime/ death rate high, how is the art thats being created helping the community?

q: There are so many artists moving to Detroit, some to work with community---some because housing is cheap, how are artists from out of town working with community and not just co-opting culture?