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Rosza Daniel Lang/Levitsky

Rosza Daniel Lang/Levitsky is a cultural worker and organizer based in Brooklyn, who sometimes takes a turn being That Angry Trans Dyke. Ongoing projects include: Critical Reperformance (work with existing scores from Warhol to Schneemann to Abramovic, often antagonistically); JUST LIKE THAT (militant choreographic research / embodied knowledge / movement for Movements), The Aftselakhis Spectacle Committee (annual radical Purim Extravaganzas), and the Jewish Voice for Peace Artists Council (Palestine solidarity on the cultural front). Can't stop picking things up on the street and making other things out of them (...outfits, collectives, cabarets, barricades, essays, meals...); never figured out how to make art for art's sake; rarely wants to work alone. Just another gendertreyf diasporist fem who identifies with, not as.

About Us Without Us

About Us Without Us

Trans Women, Labor, Power, and Performance

2 November 2015

This installment of the Gender Power and Politics Series is written by Rosza Daniel Lang/Levitsky, who discusses the lack of opportunities for trans women artists.