Sean Anthony Chia is an Italian Peruvian fusion from New Jersey with a passion to investigate and dismantle entertainment's exclusionary roots. Although his work is situated in a place of distinct administrative quality, with experience at The New York Times, Univision Communications, ICM Partners, Creative Artists Agency, Fox Broadcasting Company, MCC Theater, Telsey+Company, and William Morris Endeavor, his methodology and approach to work is an artistic one. Sean is an incoming third year MFA candidate at Columbia University in the Theatre Management and Producing program. A current Broadway League Diversity Fellow, Sean works as a Creative Development Coordinator for Theatre at Prodigal Entertainment.
Sean Anthony Chia
How the way she spoke Resuscitated the Power of Storytelling Through Minimalism
How the way she spoke Resuscitated the Power of Storytelling Through Minimalism
10 November 2019
"Fighting Fire With Fire"
"Fighting Fire With Fire"
The Intersection of Gun and Sexual Violence in Kristiana Rae Colón’s good friday
5 May 2019