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Livestreamed on this page from Friday 12 July to Sunday 14 July 2019.

Miami, Florida
Friday 12 July - Sunday 14 July 2019

Miami in Motion

The 2019 Latinx Theatre Commons Miami Regional Convening

Friday 12 July - Sunday 14 July 2019

The Latinx Theatre Commons presented Miami in Motion: The 2019 Latinx Theatre Commons Miami Regional Convening livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer-produced HowlRound TV network from Friday 12 July to Sunday 14 July 2019.

The 2019 Latinx Theatre Commons (LTC) Miami Regional Convening (“Miami in Motion!”) will feature a series of panels, breakout sessions, cafecitos, performances, and site visits to Miami Latinx theatres. The Convening will also coincide with the opening weekend of Teatro Avante’s 34th International Hispanic Theatre Festival of Miami. Miami in Motion! will gather artists, scholars, administrators, and advocates from the Miami Latinx Theater community and beyond to share work and methodologies, and to experience the vibrant and varied forms of storytelling illuminating the abundant creative talent of this rapidly growing “Magic City.” The Convening will also provide space for networking and interdisciplinary collaborative opportunities, and engage in dialogue aimed at advancing career sustainability and engendering an ecosystem for artists to thrive in all stages of life.

Want to get reminders for the sessions being livestreamed?

Friday 12 July

Miami in Motion: Opening Ceremonies | Ceremonia de Apertura
10 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC-7) / 12 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. CDT (Chicago, UTC-5) / 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. EDT (Miami, UTC-4) / 17:00 - 18:15 UTC+0. Add to calendar

Welcome to the 2019 LTC  Miami Regional Convening (Miami in Motion)! In this opening ceremony, we gather together to set a frame for the event, establish group agreements, and introduce ourselves to each other before beginning our weekend together. 

¡Bienvenido al Encuentro Regional de Miami del LTC 2019 (Miami in Motion)! En esta ceremonia de apertura, nos reunimos para establecer intenciones para el evento, acuerdos de grupo y presentarnos antes de comenzar nuestro fin de semana juntos.

Breakout Session: Making Theater in 2020 & Beyond—Politics, Art, + Activism
11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC-7) / 1:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. CDT (Chicago, UTC-5) / 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. EDT (Miami, UTC-4) / 18:30 - 19:45 UTC+0. Add to calendar

For years, Florida has been ground zero for important political decisions (and mishaps). It is often seen as a harbinger of national election results. So, what does it mean to create theatrical work here in light of our new political reality? How is this complicated when you are person marginalized in the national conversation, but are a part of the majority in your own city? What is our responsibility to our community when we make this work in times of political and democratic uncertainty? This session will be facilitated by Carmen Pelaez, writer, actor, and director.

Durante años, Florida ha estado en el “ground zero” para decisiones políticas importantes (y contratiempos). A menudo se ve como un presagio de los resultados de las elecciones nacionales. Entonces, ¿qué significa crear trabajo teatral aquí a la luz de nuestra nueva realidad política? ¿Cómo se complica esto cuando eres una persona marginada en la conversación nacional, pero eres parte de la mayoría en tu propia ciudad? ¿Cuál es nuestra responsabilidad para con nuestra comunidad cuando hacemos que esto funcione en tiempos de incertidumbre política y democrática? Esta sesión será facilitada por Carmen Pelaez, escritora, actriz y directora.

Saturday 13 July 

Miami in Motion: A Moment of Self-Definition | Momento de Autodefenición
7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC-7) / 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. CDT (Chicago, UTC-5) / 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EDT (Miami, UTC-4) / 14:30 - 16:00 UTC+0. Add to calendar

Join us for a revealing “inner circle/outer circle” dialogue as we explore questions relevant to our Miami and South Florida theatre communities such as: What are the challenges of working in Miami? What are the opportunities and resources that this community stewards? And how can we better align our voiced challenges with the resources around us? 

Únase a nosotros para un diálogo revelador de "círculo interno / círculo externo" mientras exploramos preguntas relevantes para nuestras comunidades teatrales de Miami y el sur de Florida, tales como: ¿Cuáles son los desafíos de trabajar en Miami? ¿Cuáles son las oportunidades y los recursos que esta comunidad administra? ¿Y cómo podemos alinear mejor nuestros desafíos con los recursos que nos rodean?

Breakout Session: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: Expanding Yourself and Your Art Through Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Collaborations | No sabes lo que no sabes: Ampliándose a sí mismo y su arte a través de colaboraciones interdisciplinarias/multidisciplinares
10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC-7) / 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. CDT (Chicago, UTC-5) / 1:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. EDT (Miami, UTC-4) / 17:30 - 18:45 UTC+0. Add to calendar

Join us for a conversation about artist career trajectory, growth and expansion facilitated by Adriana Gaviria and Michael Leon, (his play, The Cubans, will be receiving its world premiere at Miami New Drama next year). Where are local and national artists drawing their inspiration from? How many “hats” do we wear as artists? What artistic collaborations are emerging and which ones have we yet to explore? We’ll learn about some projects currently having a positive impact in our communities as well as hearing from artists who have found ways to make their projects lucrative for themselves through touring, unconventional partnerships and more! Guests include: Teo Castellanos, Paul Flores and Victoria Collado and Vanessa Garcia from Abre Camino Collective.

Únase a nosotros para una charla acerca de la trayectoria profesional del artista, su crecimiento y su expansión facilitada por Adriana Gaviria y Michael Leon, (su obra, The Cubans, recibirá su estreno mundial en Miami New Drama el próximo año). ¿De donde sacan su inspiración los artistas locales y nacionales? ¿Cuántos "sombreros" usamos como artistas? ¿Qué colaboraciones artísticas están surgiendo y cuáles aún no hemos explorado? Aprenderemos sobre algunos proyectos que actualmente tienen un impacto positivo en nuestras comunidades, además de escuchar a artistas que han encontrado maneras de hacer que sus proyectos sean lucrativos para ellos mismos a través de giras, asociaciones no convencionales y ¡mucho más! Los invitados incluyen: Teo Castellanos, Paul Flores y Victoria Collado y Vanessa Garcia de Abre Camino Collective.

Miami in Motion: Outside/In, Inside/Out | Fuera hacia dentro, Dentro hacia Fuera
1:45 p.m. - 3 p.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC-4) / 3:45 p.m. - 5 p.m. CDT (Chicago, UTC-5) / 4:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. EDT (Miami, UTC-4) / 20:45 - 22:00 UTC+0. Add to calendar

Following the morning session focused on theatremakers, storytellers, and scholars from Florida and the “Florida Diaspora,” we will hear from several colleagues from communities across the country about the challenges they face that might be similar and what their approach to the challenges in Florida would be. What can we learn from them, and what wealth does the South Florida community have to share with others? 

Después de la sesión de la mañana enfocada en los creadores de teatro, cuenteros, y académicos de Florida y la "Diáspora de Florida", escucharemos a varios colegas de nuestra comunidad nacional sobre los desafíos que ellos enfrentan y cuáles serían sus enfoques sobre los desafíos en Florida. ¿Qué podemos aprender de ellos y qué riqueza tiene la comunidad del sur de Florida para compartir con otros?

Sunday 14 July 

Parent Artist Advocacy League (PAAL) Lunch Session | Almuerzo con PAAL
10:15 a.m. - 11 a.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC-7) / 12:15 p.m. - 1 p.m. CDT (Chicago, UTC-5) / 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EDT (Miami, UTC-4) / 17:15 - 18:00 UTC+0. Add to calendar

Join us for the first national conversation for caregivers, allyship, and community in the arts specifically geared toward Latinx artists facilitated by PAAL founder Rachel Spencer-Hewitt and PAAL Advisory Board member Adriana Gaviria.

Únase a nosotros para la primera conversación nacional para cuidadores, aliados y comunidad en las artes específicamente orientada hacia artistas Latinx facilitada por la fundadora de PAAL Rachel Spencer-Hewitt y la miembro de la Junta Asesora de PAAL Adriana Gaviria.

Miami in Motion: Closing Ceremonies | Ceremonia de Clausura
1:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC-7) / 3:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. CDT (Chicago, UTC-5) / 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. EDT (Miami, UTC-4) / 20:30 - 21:00 UTC+0. Add to calendar

Our closing ceremonies will also serve as a work session. Conveners will meet in small groups to brainstorm tangible next steps and present on their ideas during the last third of the session. Our livestream will include these report outs, a plan for moving forward, and commitments made by individual conveners. 

Nuestras ceremonias de clausura también servirán como una sesión de trabajo. Los participantes del encuentro se reunirán en pequeños grupos para intercambiar ideas sobre los próximos pasos tangibles y presentar sus ideas durante el último tercio de la sesión. Nuestra transmisión en vivo incluirá reportes, un plan para avanzar y compromisos hechos por los participantes.

About HowlRound TV

HowlRound TV is a global, commons-based peer produced, open access livestreaming and video archive project stewarded by the nonprofit HowlRound. HowlRound TV is a free and shared resource for live conversations and performances relevant to the world's performing arts and cultural fields. Its mission is to break geographic isolation, promote resource sharing, and to develop our knowledge commons collectively. Participate in a community of peer organizations revolutionizing the flow of information, knowledge, and access in our field by becoming a producer and co-producing with us. Learn more by going to our participate page. For any other queries, email [email protected], or call Vijay Mathew at +1 917.686.3185 Signal/WhatsApp. View the video archive of past events.

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