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Pulp Ibsen

Often deemed unable to compete with the “serious” storytelling capabilities of Realism, this series discusses the rich history of genre theatre.

Pulp Ibsen

Pulp Ibsen

Chekhov’s Gunmen

30 October 2015

In this final installment, Jake Rosenberg traces the theatrical origins of the Spaghetti Western genre.

Pulp Ibsen

Pulp Ibsen

A Pain in the Asimov

7 October 2015

In the third installment of his series, Jake Rosenberg explores the history of Science fiction in literature, film, and theatre.

Pulp Ibsen

Pulp Ibsen

What’s Your Fantasy?

9 September 2015

In the second installment of his series, Jake Rosenberg traces elements of the Fantasy genre throughout theatre history and proposes more content for adults.

Pulp Ibsen

Pulp Ibsen

Vive Le Genre!

26 August 2015

In the first installment of his series, Jake Rosenberg calls for a genre theatre that embraces the fantastic and counters Realism.

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Series are collections of content curated around a specific theme. HowlRound works with curators to develop topical pieces meant to spotlight current events and happenings within the commons.