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Theatre-ing While Disabled

Kate Langsdorf writes about her experience with different jobs in theatre.

Theatre-ing While Disabled—Audience Edition

Theatre-ing While Disabled—Audience Edition

7 November 2017

Kate Langsdorf finishes the series by reflecting on her experience attending different shows as an audience member in Los Angeles, California.

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Intern Edition

26 February 2017

Kate Langsdorf writes about why she never took an unpaid internship.

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Writer Edition

19 October 2016

Kate Langsdorf on why she believes being a writer is the best theatre job for a person with a physical disability.

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Contracted Artist Edition

10 May 2016

Kate Langsdorf writes about the joys and hardships of working on a project as a dramaturg.

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Teaching Artist Edition

25 April 2016

Kate Langsdorf’s series continues with this description of her time as a teaching artist.

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Actor Edition

13 April 2016

Kate Langsdorf describes her experiences as an actor with a physical disability.

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Theatre-ing While Disabled

Series Introduction

12 March 2016

Kate Langsdorf kicks off a new series in which she will write about her experiences with different jobs in theatre. 

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