fbpx Twitter Conversation using #newplay 9/27 | HowlRound Theatre Commons

Twitter Conversation using #newplay 9/27

Gender Parity & Diversity in Theater—Where Are the Bright Spots? Why & How Do Those Work?

Last week, the Theater Communications Group Circle Blog (U.S.) published data from their member theaters entitled Top 11 Most-Produced Playwrights of 2012-13 Season. Commenting on this list, August Schulenburg poses the important question: "How can we break out of this cycle and achieve a truly inclusive, equitable, and diverse theater field?" (Be sure to find out more about TCG's upcoming event "Leading the Charge" surrounding this issue and continue the conversation on TCG's online conference platform Conference 2.0.) Using that question above as a starting point, let's identify our broader theater field's bright spots of gender parity and diversity. And then, let's figure out what makes these bright spots tick. Join us every Thursday at 18:00 GMT / 7pm BST / 2pm EDT / 1pm CDT / 11am PDT for the Weekly Howl, an open discussion about theater culture and contemporary performance that happens on Twitter using the hashtag “#newplay.” @HowlRound will be co-moderating with anyone who wants to join us. Get heard in the conversation by searching for “#newplay” in Twitter and by putting “#newplay” somewhere in your messages.

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