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Weekly Howl

Tomorrow at 3pm EST on #NewPlay - Crossing Cultural Lines

Weekly Howl Topic: "Why Am I Afraid to Write African American Characters?" by Marshall Botvinick

Join HowlRound.com for our weekly Twitter conversation.  See Marshall Botvinick's article here

Tuesday, Jan. 10th at 12pm-1pm PST (San Francisco) / 2pm-3pm CST (Chicago) / 3pm-4pm Eastern (New York) / 8pm-9pm GMT (London)

Use hashtag "#newplay" in your tweets to get your voice heard and follow @HowlRound who will be moderating the discussion.

At 11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT we'd like to invite you to DJ and hang out with us in the HowlRound music room: http://turntable.fm/howlround 

-- the @HowlRound crew: Kevin Becerra, Polly Carl, David Dower, Jamie Gahlon, Vijay Mathew, Erin Washington

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Weekly Howl


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