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The Weekly Howl Tuesday, August 28

Fringe Festivals



The Weekly Howl is an open discussion about theatre culture and the new works field that happens on Twitter using the hashtag “#newplay.” This week we're talking about Fringe Festivals. Noodle on these starters and add your own questions in the comments:

  • What do Fringe Festivals exist "in opposition" to?
  • Open-access vs. curated festivals.
  • What's the value in artists self-producing and learning to "do it themselves"?
  • Fringe Fests as an opportunity to "get your foot in the door." What's the door you're trying to enter?
  • What do Fringe Festivals teach us about sharing resources?
  • What's a Fringe Festival's relationship to the local arts/theater ecology?
  • Harvard Business Review's "case study in the power of grassroots innovation and open-source creativity" on the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

This week's discussion will happen on Tuesday, August 28 from 12pm–1pm PDT (San Francisco) / 1pm–2pm MDT / 2pm–3pm CDT (Chicago) / 3pm–4pm EDT (New York) / 19:00–20:00 (GMT) / 8pm–9pm (London – BST) / 9pm–10pm (Berlin – CEST). Get heard in the conversation by searching for “#newplay” in Twitter and by putting “#newplay” somewhere in your messages. Do you like music? Curate our playlist starting one hour prior to the Howl. Show off your DJ-ing chops with us in the HowlRound Turntable room.

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Thoughts from the curator

A series about fringe theatre festivals in the United States.

Fringe Festival


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