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The Weekly Howl on Tuesday, May 8

Post-Show Discussions

Join us every Tuesday for our weekly discussion on Twitter using the #newplay hashtag. We’ll kick off the discussion on Tuesday, May 8 from 12pm-1pm PDT /1pm-2pm MDT / 2pm-3pm CDT / 3pm-4pm EDT / 19:00-20:00 (GMT) / 8pm-9pm (London – BST) / 9pm-10pm (Berlin – CEST). One hour prior to the Howl, consider DJing with us in the HowlRound Turntable room. Drawing from Brant Russel's article, this week's Howl we'll be talking about post-show discussions. We want to hear your experience of them to see if we can identify common ground and bright spots between them.



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Weekly Howl


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