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Theatre History Podcast #46

Reimagining Shakespeare’s Legacy with Madeline Sayet



William Shakespeare’s plays continue to be some of the most frequently-produced works on our stages. While his dominance allows new generations to enjoy his work, it also poses a difficult question: how do we keep Shakespeare relevant when his plays have often been associated with a patriarchal, Eurocentric point of view? Madeline Sayet is looking for answers to that question, and it’s led her to create productions of Shakespeare’s work that incorporate the perspectives of Native American artists and performers. She joined the Theatre History Podcast to talk about how she’s working to change our perspective on Shakespeare and his legacy.

two performers onstage
Gloria Miguel and Michelle Honaker in the American Indian Artists Inc. production of The Winter's Tale. Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum.


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Thoughts from the curator

This podcast aims to introduce listeners to the artists, scholars, and archivists who are working to bring the history of performance to life. We hope that, by listening to this show, you’ll learn about exciting new performances, fascinating books, and valuable repositories of knowledge, all of which will help you better understand theatre’s history.

Theatre History Podcast


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Fantastic interview. I loved Madeline's ability to locate and articulate indigenous themes in Shakespeare's work. I appreciated the general insight about the ability of the Shakespeare's plays to connect as well as divide. Her rapid speaking style is so packed with knowledge and insight that I may listen to the podcast again at a lower speed:). Thank you for including this important perspective on HowlRound.