Theatre of the Oppressed (TONYC) presented a Book Talk: The Wildcard Workbook: A Practical Guide for Jokering Forum Theatre livestreaming on the global, commons-based, peer-produced HowlRound TV network on Thursday 28 July 2022 at 10 a.m. PDT (San Francisco, UTC -7) / 12 p.m. CDT (Chicago, UTC -5) / 1 p.m. EDT (New York, UTC -4).
Join us for a guided glimpse inside TONYC’s new book, The Wildcard Workbook: A Practical Guide for Jokering Forum Theatre. In conversation with moderator Harrow Sansom, the authors—Liz Morgan, Katy Rubin & Sulu LeoNimm—will share their hopes for how this graphic, interactive guide will support facilitators in many contexts and answer some of your questions!
The Wildcard Workbook: A Practical Guide for Jokering Forum Theatre is a resource for facilitators of all kinds looking for new ways to bring fun, creativity, and critical thinking into their work! Why Wildcard? Because to be a “Joker” in the Theatre of the Oppressed is to play many different roles and to navigate uncertainty with joy.
“If you want to know about Theatre of the Oppressed and how it can be used practically—with specific examples of how change can be made—check these folks out.” - Training participant
“Excellent facilitation. Strong, careful, confident. Lots of joy, good confusion, self and group reflection, straight-up love and sunshine... I am so happy this space exists by the intention and work of you beautiful people.” - TONYC volunteer and training participant
The Wildcard Workbook: A Practical Guide for Jokering Forum Theatre is a free two-hundred-page illustrated and interactive resource for forum theatre and role-play facilitation in various contexts. Download your free digital copy here.
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