A virtual consciousness-raising online talk show, led by Black and Native American Deaf host Mr. Antoine Hunter PurpleFireCrow
#DeafWoke is a virtual consciousness-raising engaging online talk show, led by Black and Native American Deaf host Mr. Antoine Hunter PurpleFireCrow.
Founded as a response to isolation and misinformation experienced during CoVID-19, #DeafWoke provides access to the Deaf BIPOC life stories, critical coverage of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, education, Arts, social justice and analysis of CoVID-19-related news for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened and Black Hearing communities.
Our mission is to provide opportunities for our stories to be heard by providing the #DeafWoke platform to uplift BIPOC Deaf and disabled artists voices and to contribute to the arts and larger society, increasing awareness at the intersections of audism, ableism, and racism--this includes DeafDisabled stories as a force for cultural change and collective liberation. There is also a space to talk about economics, parenthood, and education.
All episodes will be produced with ASL Interpreters and captioning welcoming everyone to the conversation. For da Hearing and Deaf! It’s inspiring, it’s funny, it’s beautiful with the ugly, it’s things people don’t really talk about, it’s unheard of, it Deaf Woke!
The host: Bay Area native, Antoine Hunter also known Purple Fire Crow is an award-winning Internationally-known African-American, Indigenous, Deaf, Disabled, choreographer, dancer, actor, instructor, speaker, Producer and Deaf advocate. He creates opportunities for Disabled, Deaf and hearing artists and produces Deaf-friendly events, and founded the Urban Jazz Dance Company and Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival.