fbpx A Twitter Brainstorm on "#newplay" Thursday, Sept 13 | HowlRound Theatre Commons

A Twitter Brainstorm on "#newplay" Thursday, Sept 13

Let's Design an Internet App!

What problems could we solve if we had a billion little magical instruments that could locate useful things and ideas that other people could make use of and benefit from, and then be able communicate the location and grant access to those goods or ideas to people over very far distances—and with blinding speed? All of us have access to at least one of these little magical instruments. Let's figure out more great ways our community can shape it and coordinate our use of it. Let's build an app! Join us every Thursday at 18:00 GMT / 7pm BST / 2pm EDT / 1pm CDT / 11am PDT for the Weekly Howl, an open discussion about theater culture and contemporary performance that happens on Twitter using the hashtag “#newplay.” @HowlRound will be co-moderating with anyone who wants to join us. Get heard in the conversation by searching for “#newplay” in Twitter and by putting “#newplay” somewhere in your messages.

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