Brown Arts Institute and Murielle Borst-Tarrant presented Tipi Tales from the Stoop: a workshop performance created and performed by Murielle Borst-Tarrant (Kuna/Rappahannock) which livestreamed on the global, commons-based, peer-produced HowlRound TV network Tuesday 29 November 2022.
New York City has always been a gathering and trading place for many Indigenous peoples, where Native Nations intersected from all four directions since time immemorial. It was a place to gather and sometimes to seek refuge during times of conflict and struggle. My family first came to New York City in the late 1800’s from Virginia and bought a house in Brooklyn and raised four generations. This story is about my family’s blood flow that is here on this land of New York City. How we as a family had to keep tradition alive. The survival of genocide, relocation, the boarding school system, and the outlaw by the United States government that we could not practice our cultural traditions. The story is about my family’s triumph of will, dysfunction, and historical trauma through laughter. My personal tapestry of stories being brought up in Brooklyn in a Mafia-run neighborhood when we were the only Natives on the block. And this is just one Tipi Tale of the city.
– Murielle Borst-Tarrant
- Created and Performed by Murielle Borst-Tarrant, 250th Anniversary Visiting Assistant Professor of the Practice and Visiting Fellow in the Arts, Brown University
- Directed by Sarah dAngelo, Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts and Performance Studies, Brown University
- Lighting Design by Kathrine R. Mitchell*
- Sound and Video Design by Alex Eizenberg, Sound Designer & A/V Engineer, Theatre Arts and Performance Studies, Brown University
- Dramaturg Morgan Jenness
- Stage Manager Kathrine R. Mitchell
- Opening Prayer by Dawn Dove, accompanied by Sherenté Harris
Tipi Tales from the Stoop runs one hour and ten minutes, with no intermission. The performance is followed by a post-show discussion with Murielle Borst-Tarrant and Sarah dAngelo, moderated by Avery Willis Hoffman, Artistic Director of the Brown Arts Institute and Professor of the Practice of Arts and Classics, Brown University.
Presented by Brown Arts Institute at Brown University.
Performance and project development made possible by the 250th Anniversary Professorship of the Practice in Performing Arts.
*The lighting designer of this workshop performance of Tipi Tales from the Stoop is represented by United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829 of the I.A.T.S.E.
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