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New Mexico

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The Future Is Now: Conversations with Cannupa Hanska Luger and Qondiswa James
The Future Is Now: Conversations with Cannupa Hanska Luger and Qondiswa James
by Simon Dove
8 November 2021
Mad-Lib Theatre
Mad-Lib Theatre
Making Plays with Audience Stories
by Meggan Gomez
24 June 2018
Introducing Ignited
Introducing Ignited
Communiques from the LTC’s El Fuego initiative
by Irma Mayorga, Olga Sanchez Saltveit
24 October 2016
The Future is Now
The Future Is Now: Conversations with Cannupa Hanska Luger and Qondiswa James

The Future Is Now: Conversations with Cannupa Hanska Luger and Qondiswa James

8 November 2021

In these episodes of The Future Is Now, CEC Artslink invites cultural worker Qondiswa James and mixed media artist Cannupa Hanska Luger, two of Artslink’s Future Fellows, to discuss their artistic work, practices, and visions for the future.

a person onstage
Mad-Lib Theatre

Mad-Lib Theatre

Making Plays with Audience Stories

24 June 2018

Director Meggan Gomez reflects on working with her youth ensemble based in New Mexico to create _____ Historias, a play that is created in real-time in response to stories shared by the audience.

Introducing Ignited

Introducing Ignited

Communiques from the LTC’s El Fuego initiative

24 October 2016

Irma Mayorga and Olga Sanchez introduce a new initiative from the Latinx Theatre Commons championing scholarship around new Latinx plays.

Poster for Colectivo Teatral.
Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

Spotlight on the Regional Alliances

Colectivo Teatral Nuevo México

25 July 2015

The third installment of the Café Onda series on Regional Alliances focuses on Colectivo Teatral Nuevo México.



Tricklock’s Revolution in the Southwest

13 January 2015

Georgina Escobar talks to Juli Hendren of Tricklock Company about Revolutions, an international festival held each year in Albuquerque, and the exciting symposium this year brings.

Faces of the DCRT.


Duking it out with a Southwest Troupe

30 September 2014

Albuquerque, New Mexico: We have a varied company, and we’re always looking to put on kick ass plays. It’s pretty cool that we have a company where any of our actresses could play Hamlet. And not like, “Female Hamlet”, but you know, Hamlet. Or where people of different races play siblings, without comment or explanation, and our audiences don’t bat an eye.

Photo from Cascarones.
A Huge Epic in a Small Package

A Huge Epic in a Small Package

11 September 2014

Georgina Escobar writes about traveling from New York to New Mexico to see Cascarones at Teatro Paraguas, and the affirmation this production brought after she waited to see it staged.

Dance and Social Justice

Dance and Social Justice

22 November 2013

Many of us can attribute our path to the theater to a dynamic teacher in school: the teacher that inspired us or showed us a new side of ourselves. This series is a snapshot of today's high school theater educators across the country sharing about what they do and how and why they do this work.

Santa Fe.
Latino Theater In New Mexico—Still Going Strong After 400+ Years!

Latino Theater In New Mexico—Still Going Strong After 400+ Years!

9 November 2013

With such a long history of Latina/o theatre, Linda López McAlister looks at the current picture by highlighting some current companies and history.

Latina/o Theatre Regional Alliances

Latina/o Theatre Regional Alliances

A series of profiles of Latinx regional alliances from around the United States.

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